The Blog title represents the number of people in the world when I was born compared to now. This Blog is a personal eclectic mix of thoughts, stories, humour and the occasional rant.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

You couldn't make it up........

There are things in life that make you smile that you dare not show it at the time. An elderly relative  asked whether I could do a favour and digitise an old photograph for her.

“No Problem,” I said

She showed me a photo and  said that it was a picture of her sister and brother-in-law taken back in the 70’s. She asked whether I could touch up the photo in any way.

“No Problem,” I said. I explained how I would scan the photo and about digital manipulation.

She looked at the photo for a while and then mentioned that she hated the leather hat that her Brother in Law was wearing. She asked would be possible to remove it?

I said I could but would have to digitally paint in the hair and give a general tidy up. I then asked whether she knew her brother-in-law's hairstyle and hair colour. She looked at me rather quizzically and said
 "Well, you will see that when you remove the hat.”

I did it, I managed it, she might have seen a twitch but I kept on my poker face and successfully hid the smile.

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