The Blog title represents the number of people in the world when I was born compared to now. This Blog is a personal eclectic mix of thoughts, stories, humour and the occasional rant.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Murder was the only option


The relationship started so well. Like all good relationships it was a blank canvas. 

Three weeks might not seem to be a long  time to go from the idea of love, to that of hatred and frustration. But the intensity of the relationship has made it feel that time has stretched. 

It has taken over my life and my being for that short but sharp period. Every free moment and every waking moment it has consumed me.

I know that the faults with the relationship were all mine; but it had to end. 

Murder was the only option.

I am sad, but I am now free to get on with my life, to move on. All it took was a pot of gesso and a brush. The canvas is blank again.

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