The Blog title represents the number of people in the world when I was born compared to now. This Blog is a personal eclectic mix of thoughts, stories, humour and the occasional rant.

Saturday, 2 January 2016

I have a thing about advertisements particularly TV advertisements. A few, a very few are brilliant. Some more are just good, but then it goes downhill from there.
My bugbear at the moment are the ads for nicotine vapour suckers. I am all for using a vapour as a transition to giving up smoking but the ads are now comparing them with sexy, smart technology. They remind me of the old fag adds that were allowed many moons ago.
They're not selling a solution but a product that is actually encouraging new users. Shame on them. The fact that Griff Rhys Jones as lent his voice over to one of these ads shows anyone would go something the money. Shame on him to.

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